Ayo enough wit that soft shit part 3 aka revenge of the soft niggas!

Ayo whatthefuckup my niggas this Big Ghost aka Theodore Riggatone namsayin. Ayo the god was jus layin backin strokin a harem of broads namsayin n eatin his feasts n shit nahmean. Bitches is feedin a nigga grapes n papayas while we all layin on velvet comforters n shit namsayin. Yo then one the broads gets up to turn on the tv n  I seen this soft joint come on n shit nahmeans. Ayo what the fuck goin on wit these feather duster ass niggas nahmean? This nigga Wale givin the cake nigga Drake a run for his money namsayin. Ayo the nigga Wale might gon take that 3-ply nigga Drake spot for softest nigga in the galaxy n shit nahmean. This nigga a serious serious contender for that title namsayin. These niggas is makin Bruno Mars look like Kamal Shalorus n shit. The nigga Wale seriously raisin the bar for that parfait nigga shit. This nigga must got strawberry flavored blood namsayin. Word bond a diabetic nigga might gon go into anaphylactic shock n shit if he listen to this nigga music nahmeans. They need to be warning diabetic muthafuckas before they play this nigga shit on tv or radio namsayin. Yo if some mexican kids run up on that nigga n hit him wit a broom stick he probably gon crack open n candy gon spill out his ass nahmean. Jellybean ass nigga. The nigga must got ovaries n shit. The nigga probably be gettin menstrual cramps n shit. Fuck is this nigga thinkin son! Ayo I mean...no doubt son... the god been known to show his sensitive side from time to times nahmeans. Word a nigga done made a handful a joints for the broads n alla that but yo this nigga takin that shit to whole new levels namsayin. Thiis nigga aint content wit no average soft nigga shit. This nigga tryna be the Walter Payton of soft niggas nahmean. This nigga strivin for that top spot. Word yo a nigga had to splash fluoride in his eyes after he watched the sweet ass shit the nigga put together nahmeans. This nigga songs smell like Glade namsayin. Even that soft nigga Drake probably feelin like ayo this nigga Wale really crossin the line wit THIS shit nahmeans. The softest niggas alive is probably offended by this shit. This nigga must be takin straight estrogen shots in his ass to come up wit somethin this ultra emotional nahmean. The nigga must got glitter in his blood G. Ayo the nigga probably gon sweeten ya coffee if he walk by you nahmean. The nigga be leavin a trail of glitter everywhere he go. If the nigga ever find hisself where he gotta run from the police they gon be able to track that nigga down wherever he go from all the fairy dust he leavin behind  n shit namsayin. The nigga probably got the ability to pollinate flowers namsayin. Ayo this nigga probably snap his fingers n jerk his neck from side to side when he yellin at you. The nigga look sassy n shit. The nigga probably call his groin his bikini area nahmean. He look like the type a nigga that gon rock a charm bracelet namsayin. Nigga probably got toe rings. Word bond. This nigga probably dress his pets in costumes. Yo if you go to this nigga house he probably got cats wearin jackets n top hats n shit. He the type a nigga that gon have pets wit a "Mr" at the beginning of they names n shit. The nigga probably shits cupcakes namsayin. He could probably shoot a rainbow out his eyes n shit. The nigga probably use a hula hoop as a vehicle namsayin. Anyhow it aint like the god want harm to come the nigga way or nothin like that but the nigga makin some wack moves nahmean. The nigga really need to reevaluate his moves namsayin. Somebody slap this nigga. Word.
Aight peace.

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