Ayo Kim ya groin be lookin like a dead trout namsayin!

Ayo whattup this the Fabulous Deini n shit aka Big Ghost nahmean. Ayo niggas is gettin outta pocket sayin ayo Tone why you go at Lil Kim like that n shit? Ayo to keep it really 100 wit yalls a nigga aint really think he stepped outta line like that but if she offended ayo she gon have to pardon the god namsayin. Ayo the god might had mentioned that her groin look kinda fucked up to a nigga. A nigga had that shit on his mind for a minute namsayin. But the broad shit be lookin like a nigga old wallet nahmean. The shit be lookin like niggas is puttin out they cigarettes on it n shit. The shit look like it gon give you a pound n shake ya hand namsayin. It be lookin like a bear wit its eyes closed n shit. The shit look like a candy bar that got left in a car wit the windows up on a hot day n shit. Shit be lookin like Juvenile mouth n shit. The shit look like ya hand when you be doin a shadow puppet for a duck n shit nahmean. Shit be lookin like it jus caught a pop fly in center field n whatever whatever nahmean. Ayo n a nigga aint mean to go in on her like that anyway. But either ways yalls already know this broad be bringin that attention to herself anyhow namsayin. Ayo word bond she the one lookin fucked up like that namsayin. She lookin like the reflection Latoya Jackson sees of herself on the side of a car n shit namsayin. Aint nobody tell that broad to have 267 cosmetic procedures performed on her ass like that. Bitch be needin to update her drivers license n passport photos 6 times a year n shit. Aint nobody put no gat to the bitch head n tell her to do nothin like that. The bitch lookin like someone cloned Webster as a adult n put a wig on him n shit. Bitch nose be lookin like she permanently sniffin nahmean. Shiny ass broad...lookin like she wiped Armor All on her face n shit. She a bust down chick straight up namsayin. N yo ma...aint no 113,000 copies of ya little mixtpae joint get copped nowhere namsayin. Not here or on Mars or wherever wherever nahmean. Ayo the god consider hisself a relevant nigga in the game n alla that but a nigga aint sold no 113,000 copies of his joint like that. Ayo Apollo Kids sittin on top a Primo list n shit n gettin hailed as summa the hottest shit a nigga done in a minute n it aint sold no 113,000 copies in a day n shit. Meanwhile you a individual that get shit on at a average of 8 times per second all around the world n shit n you think niggas is coppin ya shit like that. Ayo you a delusional ass broad namsayin. Get ya mind right nahmean. If you gon come up wit a number off the top ya head like that you should had said some shit like 30 nahmean. Ayo thats if ya lucky too ma. N yo 30 niggas coppin ya shit off paypals or whatever whatever for you should be considered a monumental achievement n shit by ya own standards nahmean. Thats like 3Gs n shit. You gon pay ya rent n ya little car note wit that n still have you a little leftover to buy you some gear n go out for some Wendys n shit namsayin. N then you can throw out another mixtpae next month n next thing you know you got you a regular payin job n shit. Ayo these hard times out there namsayin. Not a lot of broads is pullin in 3Gs a month like that namsayin. You might even wanna put a little aside to get ya shit tucked back in nahmean. Ayo you think bout that shit ma cos this some golden advice a nigga kickin to you namsayin. Word.
Aight peace.

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