Ayo this the Pretty Tone guide to pullin a-grade broads nahmean!

Ayo whattup this ya main nigga Big Ghost aka P-Tone nahmeans. Ayo this jus a little instructional manual ya boy put together for yalls niggas out there that wanna be pullin those high caliber mamis like the Wally Champ be doin namsyain. Niggas out there be settlin for c-grade broads n shit cos they aint kno no better son. Ayo  but before we get started we gon need to go down the list of requirements that yall gon need namsayin. Ayo first of all if you got on any fake jewelry of any type you can jus stop readin this shit right now. You a disgustin nigga n aint nobody gon ever love ya phony ass g. Second of all if you pushin a Scion you can jus stop readin this shit right now. Aint no broad gon take ya ass serious til you sell that shit my nigga. You gon need to upgrade to a Hyudai at least namsayin. Third of all if you a nigga wit womanly hips jus stop readin this shit right now g. Broads aint gon be feelin you curvy niggas like that. Niggas wit coke bottle figures is assed out. A nigga good wit the advice but we aint gon turn turds into diamonds like that nahmean. If you a turd nigga you gon probably always be a turd nigga nahmean. Whattup Gene. But if you meetin the basic requirements Imma show yalls how to become some predators namsayin. Ayo so lets get this shit started son.

1. Ayo Determine Ya Species G

Ayo off top ya boy kno that summa yalls is lost n need that companionship or whatever whatever nahmean. N summa yalls is jus horny niggas that aint had no ass in a minute. So dependin on what you lookin for theres gon be a number of different places where yalls might wanna hunt namsayin. If you sufferin thru a drought n you jus lookin for a jumpoff to hydrate ya shit you probably gon wanna hit a club or some shit namsayin. But if you a sensitive nigga thats lookin for a companion n shit you might gon wanna try n find that shit at a grocery store or at a park nahmean. So lets say you that sensitive codependent nigga that need a broad to hold ya hand n shit. Some niggas is jus soft. I get that b. But yalls can do that shit wit a little dignity nahmean. First of all stop gettin yalls advice from 700 year old poems n muthafuckin black n white movies son. Summa yalls is throwin ya jackets down over puddles n serenadin broads outside they balconies n shit. Ayo it aint 1854 nigga. You takin advice from dead niggas that aint been had no ass for as long as you nahmeans. Bitches hate all that shit nigga. You act like a sucker for love nigga n you gon be pullin broads that wanna walk all over you b. Women be respectin confidence not convenience namsayin. Leave all that Aubrey shit at the door son. You gotta make the broad work for ya respect g.

2. Gettin Ya Huntin Gear On

Ayo if you a nigga who play football n shit you aint gon step out on the field wit a hockey helmet n some golf clubs namsayin. That same shit apply to pullin broads nahmean.You dont go out expectin to get a dimes attention by lookin like 3 pennies yaself namsayin. Yall need to groom yallselves nahmeans. For summa yalls that shit come natural but for the rest of yall niggas this gon be like squeezin water outta a block of wood n shit. N yo that mega fly shit aint for eybody so dont be throwin no golden eagles on yall arms if you dont live that shit b. Thats some official nigga type shit fam. If you aint got that scorpion nigga bloodline jus stick to ya little colorful watches n whatever g. If ya shit be lookin like a costume tone ya shit down son. If you was a nigga that could pull off that outrageous shit you wouldnt be readin this namsayin. N dont be rockin no fake labels n shit son. That Canal St bullshit is played the fuck out b. Niggas is out there drippin from head to toe in they bootleg wardrobes n shit knowin damm well that muthafuckas aint made no sweatshirts wit Emilio Pucci across the front like that. Stop playin yallselves g.

3. Choosin Ya Co-Predators

Ayo so lets say you aint no soft ass nigga lookin for a wife n shit. You aint wanna invest ya time in no forbidden fruit type broad that wanna make you work too hard then. If  you jus lookin for a jumpoff  the club gon always be the best bang for ya bucks nahmean. But dont come in there on some reckless shit pa. First of all if you came wit a gang of ignorant niggas you outta luck b. You gon either be leavin that muthafucka wit those same niggas n zero ass or you gon be pullin some swamp broad that aint nobody else talk to. So use ya discretions n shit when you choosin who you gon roll wit namsayin. You show up wit a bunch a thirsty lookin FUBU niggas lookin like they jus swam across the ocean to escape from they island n shit then you might as well be rockin a eye patch n a rat skin suit g. If ya niggas is lookin n actin like they will fuck anything movin yo thats gon be a reflection on you namsayin. N you gon only be attractin c-grade clientele from that pa. But you gotta make sure you aint bring no Julio Iglesias type nigga either nahmean. You dont want no nigga wit a better batting average than yaself playin on ya team g.

4. Understandin Ya Prey

Ayo before we get into how to approach the prey u gon need to make sure you got all ya weapons on you namsayin. You gon need the 3 Cs on you for this part son. First one is confidence g. Broads can smell weakness on a nigga like dead fish fam. Dont approach her like you disturbin her n you wanna make it up to her by payin for all her drinks n shit. But at the same times dont walk up on her like you own her namsayin. That snap ya fingers shit only work wit official Fonzarelli type niggas like yours truly nahmean. The fact is you really aint shit but she jus dont need to be knowin bout all that. All niggas aint shit son. Thats jus a fact of like b. The trick is to get broads to forget bout all that n get them to let they guards down n shit tho. That brings us to the second C which is convincingness son. Summa yalls might not think that thats a word but yalls jus aint knowin what a nigga be knowin bout son. Be convincing wit ya shit g. If you master this shit right here you aint never gon be starved for ass again my nigga. This gon apply to so many different scenarios wit broads that you aint really gon need any other help if you learn to use this shit right namsayin. See you gotta look at broads like they werewolves namsayin. This shit like the silver bullet right here tho nahmean. Thats that shit that gon tame the werewolf for you nahmean. She gon become that regular girl for you seewuhmsayin. Ayo the last C is charm nahmean. Yalls might be askin yallselves ayo Tone whuh bout that cashflow my nigga? Ayo son straight up yall aint gon need too much of that if you get ya shit right nahmean. Charm is like how you talk to the girl n how you present yaself n all that. You might gon want to incorporate summa that physical charm too if you wanna get savvy wit ya shit namsayin. Yaknow like lightly pattin her on the arm n shit when you pretendin to laugh at some shit she says....that you aint really understood....cos broads be sayin mad shit that niggas dont be understandin n shit. That shit right theres the first seeds to  growin the tree nahmean. N the tree you tryin to grow is intimate relations namsayin.

5. Approachin Ya Prey

Ayo this is where yall niggas usually fuck up namsayin. N if you aint never completed the first 4 steps you jus gon be lost by this point my nigga. You gon be a broads food g. You might gon be thinkin bout how you bout to blow her back out n just disappear on her n shit but in reality yo you gon be payin that bitch phone bills n pickin her kids up from school while she out wit other niggas nahmean. But yo assumin you already learned all that shit in steps 1 to 4 you can start movin in for the kill nahmean. Dont run up on her like you bout to yapp her tho namsayin. Thats ya first impressions n shit g. She get the feelin you bout to rob her n that shit gon be a wrap nahmean. You need to establish eye contact first n then move in namsayin. Broads aint like all that shit where it seems like a nigga jus came up a elevator thru the floor n shit. You gon creep her out wit that David Blaine shit son. Yall ninja toed niggas stop wit all that sneak attack shit. Dont run up on her n splash ya cologne on her like that son. N when you make that eye contact dont be doin nothin stupid like winkin or lickin ya lips n shit. N dont do no homo shit like bitin ya bottom lip n raisin ya eyebrows while you noddin ya head n shit. Thats a fucked up look right there g. Yall amateur hour niggas cut that shit out. Yall frightenin these bitches son. That eye contact is like when you lookin thru a scope namsayin. You dont wanna be shakin all the branches around you n scarin off the prey like that nahmean.

6. Takin Down Ya Prey

Ayo after you establish that eye contact you can think bout takin her down namsayin. When you take that shot make sure you use the 3 Cs n shit. If you feelin like you got the 3 Cs down you can introduce the fourth C namsayin. Which is coincidenceness. Summa yalls might gon be like ayo Tone what the fuck is coincidenceness? Ayo its what it sounds like nigga. Imma break it down for yalls tho. The other Cs is like the salad namsayin n this C is like that salad dressin nahmean. So you already got the foods but this is like that extra flavor namsayin. So you might wait til you see her goin to the bathroom n shit right. N then you time ya shit out for like when you think she gon be comin out nahmean. This part is mad important n shit too b. Cos if she come out in 30 seconds that means she done took a leak n she aint wash her hands namsayin. Thats a unhygienic broad right there son n you dont want none of that. You aint got time to be delousin a dirty broad pa. On the other hand if she in there for 10 or 15 minutes that mean she done went n dropped a load son. N you aint gon want no type a bitch that go to a club n takes a shit like that g. Thats some disgustin shit my nigga. But if she in there for 2 or 3 minutes you good. Time that shit out so that as she comes out you jus on ya way towards the bathrooms n shit. Then what you do is you graze past her namsayin. That dont mean you jus grab her or smack her on the ass n shit b. You kinda push lightly against her namsayin like you tryin to get by her n shit. N even tho you aint gon be hurtin her n shit you be like "Ayo pardon me ma". From those 2 steps you done created ya openin namsayin. You planted that seed for that physical contact which hopefully gon lead to intimate relations. Also you makin her think that you a gentleman n shit nahmean. Then you be like "Ayo ma would it be cool if a nigga buy you a drink?" nahmean.  If she say no its whatever namsayin. You aint spent shit on her n theres probably a chance she gon say the same to a lot a other niggas anyway. But if she like aight then you halfway to intimate relations son. See you gotta think of broads as pieces of meat nahmean. Ayo but I aint mean that in no sexist type a way tho namsayin. See cos what ya boy mean by that is you gotta think of broads as frozen meat youseewhumsayin. You already thawed her out n now all you gotta do is marinate the broad namsayin. You gotta prepare her for seduction. Dance wit her n shit. Or watch her dance wit her friends namsayin. Keep ya niggas away tho.

7.  Seducin Ya Prey

Ayo now this is usually the part where niggas who aint failed at step 5 really do fuck up nahmean. See seduction is a art form son. If you aint good wit ya art supplies you aint gon paint the right ambiance n shit for intimate relations namsayin. You gon be workin wit a blank canvas so you need to try n paint a relaxin atmosphere for the girl nahmean. But you dont want that atmosphere to be too relaxin cos you dont want the bitch fallin asleep on you namsayin. So you gotta keep it sexy nahmean. N yo keep in mind that broads dont really be givin a shit bout you like that namsayin. They gon want to kno ya name n whether you employed n shit n thats bout it g. You might get asked if you got kids or some shit too...but mostly she jus want you to ask her bout herself namsayin. There aint a woman on earth that dont wanna be asked questions bout theyselves all night pa. Unless they runnin from the police n shit. In which case you gon definitely be gettin ass cos she aint gon have no time to waste like that nahmean....she gon fast track ya order n all that g. If you still at the club see if you can move that shit to outdoors nahmean. Thats gon give you that opportunity to make some valuable moves n shit son. If she look cold offer her ya jacket or whatever nahmean. Put ya arm over her shoulder or some shit. But you gotta test the waters wit that move namsayin. If she aint into you like that she aint gon want you puttin ya hands on her nahmean. So dont go into full cuddle mode wit her or nothin namsayin. N dont rest ya arm on her like that either g. You gotta hover that shit namsayin. Hover ya arm over her shoulder cos thats gon 1) make it so you aint give her a sore neck n shit n 2) have that sensual brushin effect on her nahmean. Thats gon make the hairs on her neck stand up nahmean. Hopefully not the kinda long ass hairs that gon make you feel like you cuddlin up on another nigga tho.

8. Goin In For The Kill

So lets say you done convinced the broad that you really aint no typical nigga. N you done tamed her inner werewolf n all that. N you done broke down a few walls n planted ya seeds for intimate relations for the night. This that moment you been waitin for then namsayin. What you need to do is make sure you continue to set that mood nahmean. If she wanna go back to her place you in the best position g. Especially if you a bum ass nigga wit 7 other niggas livin at ya crib. You get that broad playin Xbox wit ya niggas n you aint gon be hittin shit son. Either way you need to maintain control of the situations nahmean. You gotta be in control of the ambiance g. Get the right music goin namsayin. Throw on some Jodeci or some shit like that nahmean. Light a few candles for her n dim those lights son. N make sure ya breath aint smell like ass nahmean. Word. N avoid talkin bout other broads or any depressin shit like tsunamis nahmean. Try n make her feel comfortable namsayin. Once she all relaxed you can make ya move nahmean. But you gotta start wit the innocent touchin before you start tryin to grab on her n shit. Those little pats on the knee n the hands on her arm gon lead to rubbin her neck which gon lead to caressin her legs which gon lead to intimate relations namsayin. If you cant take it from here you aint got no business wastin a broads time son. So hopefully yalls found this shit helpful n all that n Imma holla at yall later.
Aight peace.

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