P-Tones guide to obtaining summertime autobox

Ayo whattup yalls. Its ya boy Testosterone Tone aka the Wally Champ. We officially 3 days into summer now. You kno these thirsty ass niggas was already out there on the 21st at 12:01 AM wit they canteens filled wit sand n dust ready to try n swindle these broads outta some ass tho right? Word is bond. Theres jus some shit bout the summertime that makes niggas wanna take more than they need...especially when all the shit that dudes want seem to multiply in the summer. For example yo...you notice that when you go to Wendys or Burger King...you order a combo n you usually good right? You get full off that nahmean. But how come when you at a cookout n you see all that shit comin off the grill ya appetite all a sudden seems to be able to accommodate like 7 burgers n a side a ribs? Cos that shit is usually free n obtainable nigga. Free n obtainable ANYTHING makes niggas lose they minds yo.  Muthafuckas will come home wit a baby crib even if they aint got kids JUS COS that shit was left hangin out the back of a movin truck nahmean. N muthafuckas will have that crib sittin in they livin room  wit a stack of magazines n sneaker boxes inside it....jus cos the shit was free son. So when the merchandise is some shit niggas actually DO want forreal forreal...niggas jus act a fool son. Free shit is like heroin to summa yall niggas. When you combine the power of free shit wit minimal work tho...that shits like a winnin lotto ticket to a nigga.  Lucky for yall bargain hunter ass niggas....shortcuts to gettin that speedbox DO exist namsayin. The technical term is "autobox" also known as "instabox" nahmean. There are several ways you might come across this phenomenon son. Imma jus list a few. You gotta be careful to follow the techniques carefully tho or you could end up wit "scenic route-box"....also known as "slow motion-box" nahmean. The worst case scenario might be you end up wit some unwanted "permabox" tho. If you see any a that shit on the horizon you might need to abort ya plans n reset ya course for some other hapless broad tho namsayin. Aight then. First off you gotta apply these techniques to what I be referrin to as "easy prey" son. Otherwise you jus complicatin the game plan namsayin. Keep in mind that this shit dont work on broads that dont even be respondin to regular ol shit like "Hi" tho. Ideally you lookin for a broad who:

a) got some low self esteem issues. Namsayin....confidence is a attractive quality in a broad but it dont lead to autobox. Confident broads kno they own value n they jus complicate shit. If you got a choice between two identical brand new cars right....but one might got a couple scratches on the leather n a few stains in the rug that wont come out...you got a 10x better shot at gettin a deal on the "less than perfect" ride than you do wit the one that has practically no flaws nahmean. But ON THE OUTSIDE it jus looks like you pushin the same exact whip. But be careful cos you aint lookin for a broad that be like ready to kill herself n shit either. Low self esteem n self hatred is two whole different things namsayin.

b) is outta the loop. A self sufficient broad is the enemy here son. If she can feed herself she aint gon take ya bait son. If you hear a broad talkin bout how she jus heard Ushers Confessions for the first time n she bout to cop that latest Aaliyah joint...this is a ideal candidate son. The outta the loop broad is prime autobox material namsayin. You put her up on House Of  Balloons or some other shit thats been drivin broads crazy for the last 5 months n you will have that broad throwin panties at you in 15 minutes flat son.

c) laughs a lot. A broad that likes to laugh is basically a car wit the doors unlocked n the keys in the ignition dig? If a chick aint even crack a smile when theres some funny shit happenin or bein said...this is a broad you wanna avoid. Contrary to popular belief tho...broads that laugh a lot aint always dumb. Dumb (or slower) broads dont usually understand shit like jokes or sarcasm namsayin. Dumb broads only laugh at shit like slapstick or American Pie type joints. So jus cos she laugh a lot dont mean she a dumbass...it jus means she vulnerable. 

Once you acquire ya target you jus play it cool n approach her real casual like namsayin. Ask her how she doin...introduce yaself...make convo nahmean. The main thing is you ask questions about her n avoid talkin bout yaself....chances are if you readin this rite now you aint shit anyhow. Make her feel good bout herself. Compliment her namsayin. If she outta the loop then drop those sure shot joints on her....introduce her to that vast galaxy of panty-droppin music thats poppin rite now son. Dont forget that if she a giggly broad you wanna take full advantage of that weakness. Laughter leads to intimate relations. Its as simple as that son. Jokes = strokes. Its like that nahmean. Word. N remember we dont condone no forcin yaself on a broad. You aint Puff so you aint jus gon take that take that take that namsayin. 
Aight peace.

By the way I got some new lists n interviews n shit comin soon. Yall stay tuned for that shit aight. 

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