Ayo this is P-Tones R.E.D. Album review son

Ayo whattup its ya boy Volcano Hands Tone aka Thor Molecules nahmean. I aint even wanna review this joint but niggas wasnt lettin me chill so Imma throw yall some biscuits namsayin. But before I get started I gotta address some shit. 1) If you readin this shit anywhere other than on Big Ghost Chronicles it aint official my nigga. I dont mind yall usin my shit n repostin it or whatever but give credit where its due b. N stop makin ya little changes n shit. We dont respect that shark nigga shit b. 2) It wasnt on this particular album but son jus dropped his 2 hour Otis freestyle the other day n yo....I jus wanna say..........Son. Stop that shit. Dont nobody wanna clear they got damn schedule for the afternoon jus so they can listen to that shit. Niggas dont need no damn 500 bars of no nigga spittin bars over one beat. Niggas gotta be unemployed n devoid of any goals in life to be excited bout some shit like that b. Niggas gotta be 12 yrs old to have some time like that on they hands in the first place son. "Nah yall ga'head n see that movie without me...Im gon jus stay here n peep this here Game freestyle instead yall" Cmon yo...fuck is wrong wit you Jayceon? N Jay-Z aint gon respond to you nibblin at his ankle all day b. Chill yo. Anyway Imma get into this shit now...

1. Dr. Dre Intro - This shit was mad unnecessary b. 

2. The City (ft. Kendrick Lamar) - This shit is jus way too dramatic yo. Son sounds like he was listenin to Nas's One Mic for like a month straight before he went into the booth to spit this shit son. The nigga sounds like he swallowed Crooked I or Royce Da 5'9 or some shit. Not sure which one...but I swear he usin another niggas flow tho. Then the nigga got the nerve to say he Top 5 dead or alive. Son.... Niggas laugh at Jadakiss for sayin shit like that....n that nigga could actually spit at one point namsayin. But he aint done makin ridiculous claims son. Its like he tryin to test a niggas patience when he says some shit bout bein the black Slim Shady. But then son starts to REALLY lose his composure n says he "the best the West ever seen, no disrespect to Calvin". Best what nigga? Son....you disrespectin a whole lot more niggas than jus Calvin nahmean. I wont go thru the WHOLE list son...but summa the niggas Im talmbout got names you mighta heard before...like Oshea n TUPAC....maybe even ANDRE. But thats a whole nother topic namsayin. Not to mention that the nigga doin the hook...who also hails from the West... ends the song by completely bodyin the beat. Im sayin the beat actually hid from the nigga n jus disappeared while son was spittin. So after all ya talk bout bein top 5 n bein the black Eminem you gon jus let Kendrick rape you on the track son? If I was you Jayceon...I woulda been told the nigga to get the fuck out the studio and dont come back til he could mediocre his shit up a little. 

3. Drug Test (ft. Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg & Sly) - Speak of the devil yo...the OTHER best niggas the West ever produced....This joint been out for a minute yo. Matter fact I think its the latest single. Thing is yo...I dont kno how you get Dre n Snoop on a joint wit you n the shit barely makes a peep on the radio or in clubs namsayin. Imma tell you why tho. Cos the shit is mediocre as fuck b. When you got the two niggas who made G-Thang n Next Episode n Still D.R.E. on a joint wit you...you cant be droppin no filler that sounds like some shit Timbaland was snappin his neck(s) n splashin his fruit punch all over the studio to durin the Black Album sessions son.

4. Martians Vs Goblins (ft. Tyler The Creator & Lil Wayne) - Heres the thing bout this nigga son. When he go into another nigga chamber he go straight to jockin that nigga shit. Its been that way since day 1 tho nahmean. He was doin joints wit 50 Cent...he sounded like Fif. He did a joint wit Eminem...son got his Slim Shady on all over that muthafucka. He do joints wit Nas...he all a sudden spittin like Nas. He do a joint wit Rae...he soundin like Rae. Im sayin this nigga never bring his own identity to the table. So when he decides to start surfin the Tyler wave...you already kno what this nigga gon be doin namsayin. Then he throws Lil Weezy-Ana on this shit n we spose to have some mindblowin shit happenin here I guess. Son talmbout slurpin on Erykah Badu box n pokin Bron Bron's moms n shit. All that shit is whatever but this nigga said "when Im wit my uncle...fuck it...then Im a Crip too" which lets you kno how serious he is bout this Blood life. I cant fuck wit this shit tho.

5. Red Nation (ft. Lil Wayne) - This joints probably the only shit so far that I feel like listenin to again. Its been out for a minute so I actually heard this a couple times already nahmean. But at least the nigga jus stayin in his lane doin his own thing here. Yeah he droppin names like a fuckin prison snitch all over this muthafucka....I mean the first verse sounds like "Im so____ like____mixed wit____. I kno____...whattup to_____, _______ , n _______!" ....but I fucks wit it.

6. Dr. Dre 1 - yawn....

7. Good Girls Go Bad (ft. Drake) - Say you a nigga who happened to make some pretty suspect choices throughout ya life...like bein a hood Chippendale dancer n gettin butterflies n stars tatted on ya face n cryin durin interviews when nobody asked you nothin to get emotional bout....shit like that. Now lets say you wanna do a song wit a nigga who a lotta muthafuckas believe is like the livin embodiment of bein a suspect nigga. A nigga whose natural scent is pear. A nigga that practically bleeds syrup. A nigga whose own moms aint even realize was a boy n named the muthafucka Aubrey....say this is you. Do you really wanna go namin the joint you doin together "Good Girls Go Bad" b? Anyway this joint aint bad. Drizzy on his "blah blah blah guuuuurrl" shit again n droppin heatrocks like "I love ya ass like the Ninja Turtles love pizza". Meanwhile Game back on his namedroppin shit. Im sayin tho....son mentioned jus  Kanye alone three times b. Anyway I fucks wit it.

8. Ricky - This shit named after the nigga in Boyz N The Hood who wasnt Ice Cube or Cuba Gooding Jr.  Rite off the bat I wanna say that the nigga DJ Khalil laced this muthafuckin beat wit steroids yo. This shit sound like gorillas beatin they chests wit sledge hammers b. This shit sound like its rainin watermelons in the studio. Theres broads screamin n lightning bolts shootin outta shit n violins n elephants stampedin on this muthafucka n whatever... The nigga Game aint really sayin nobody names either so I got give him some dap for that too. Word. I fucks wit it.

9. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - Thought it was Dre rhymin on this shit at first yo. If I was bein generous Id say this shit was aight nahmean. But on the real....I dont really give a fuck bout this song son. 

10. Heavy Artillery (ft. Rick Ross & Beanie Sigel) - This shit is ill. The beat is tough as fuck nahmean. Ricky Rozay goes first n spits some hardbody darts rite out the gate. Next Game comes in n drops one a his better 16s n manages to keep niggas names out his mouth for 75% of the verse. Then the Broad Street Bully comes in n bodies this shit. I fucks wit it.

11. Paramedics (ft. Young Jeezy) - I swear I couldnt even tell if Game was even on this shit at first b. I had to listen to it twice yo. This nigga mussa been garglin sand before Jeezy got to the studio to get his voice to sound extra raspy tho nahmean. This shit was jus mad awkward g. Wonder how Jeezy felt bout that shit when he heard it yo. Somebody need to explain to this nigga that you aint gotta go outta ya way to impersonate the nigga you doin the song wit tho b. This shit was fucked up son. Snowman did his thing tho. I kinda fucks wit it....not really tho.

12. Speakers On Blast (ft. E-40 & Big Boi) - N here we go again wit that bullshit. Son channelin his inner 3 Stacks on this shit like he tryna impress Big Boi. The hook is some ATLiens shit too. This startin to remind me a some Single White Female shit tho. Stop it 5. I pressed skipped before I heard the 40 Fonzarelli bars...so I cant really comment on that yo.

13. Hello (ft. Lloyd) - First off I jus wanna say that I dont fuck wit no Lloyd son. Justin Bieber got a more masculine voice than this nigga here namsayin. N Lloyd a grown man b. Drake at his most effeminate state possible...walkin round his garden singin duets wit canaries n strokin kittens....cant even sound this bitchmade son. If a baby flamingo opened its mouth to say whattup to me I would expect that muthafucka to sound jus like this nigga Lloyd b. If vaginas could sing they would probably sound EXACTLY like this nigga Lloyd yo. Even El Debarge be sayin this niggas shit is too soft nahmean. Son aint got one molecule of bass in his voice whatsoever namsayin. The shit is jus creepy my nigga. The joint itself is jus way too got damn silky yo. I can almost see the dandelions gettin blown around in the studio when niggas was recordin this shit b. How many Nuvo body shots did these niggas do off each other before they came up wit this shit son? Get this shit the fuck outta here yo.

14. All The Way Gone (ft. Mario & Wale) - Guess this spose to be the part of the album where all the panty droppin starts...cos this joint is almost as corny as the last one b. Only thing that keeps it from bein more ass than the Hello joint is the nigga Mario aint sound bitchmade like Lloyd. The nigga Wale on this shit too. Yall probably remember him as Future from 8 Mile. Anyways...skip.

15. Pot Of Gold (ft. Chris Brown) - This shit rite here is exactly what you would expect from the two most emotional n mentally unstable niggas in the game....some melodramatic boo hoo shit wit Breezy singin bout not dancin on rainbows no more or whatever n Game threatenin to quit rap after two more albums (he actually said that after the first two albums son...n promised he was done after the third...but whatever yo). This was actually the first official single after the other first official singles he dropped last year.  I cant even tell you how much I dont fucks wit this shit tho son. 

16. Dr Dre 2 - Seriously...is this shit even necessary b?

17. All I Know (ft. Lu Breeze) - Son...I almost aint even make it past the suspect ass intro. This shit obviously reminds me a litttle of Jigga's All I Need....not in a good way tho. I dont hate this joint but probably aint no way Im gon ever skip to #17 n try n hear this shit again on purpose.

18. Born In The Trap - DJ PREMIER-P-P-P-Premiere did this shit! BUT...let me clarify yo. This aint the Preemo that did the beats for 5 classic Gang Starr albums n had probably the best joints on Reasonable Doubt, Illmatic n Ready To Die son....this is the Premier that cant get beats placed on Jay or Nas albums no more n been gettin shitted on by Kanye for the past 5 years. Niggas use to be like "PREEM LEMME GET A BEAT PLEASE YO!!! I GOT YA 30 Gs RITE HERE SON". Now niggas is like "Shit...that nigga Preemo sendin me links to his SoundCloud again....". I love that nigga Preem tho. Thats my heart. N this joint is still A LOT better than the bullshit we been hearin over the last 6 or 7 tracks b. I fucks wit it. 

19. Mama Knows (ft. Nelly Furtado) - He got my baby's mama Nelly Furtado on this joint...so props for that shit b. Anyways yo...theres three different Pharrells son. There the nigga that did Grindin n Hell Hath No Fury n Blue Magic n whatever. Aka the nigga that dont give a fuck bout melodies n song hooks n jus hits you wit that raw shit. Then theres the bongo happy Pharrell who had all those hits in the 00s wit pretty much eybody that was in the music industry at that time nahmean. Then theres the Pharrell that conned Jay into thinkin Allure was the shit that shoulda been playin at the end a Carlito's Way....the nigga that makes those Nyquil joints that make you feel like you wanna call it a day at 11am. The Pharrell that made this shit aint the first two. Ayo Skateboard P...son gets ya logo tatted on hisself n started dressin like you n THIS is all you came up wit for this nigga? This shit aint grimey OR catchy son. This shit is the snooze button that lets you kno you can go back to sleep for a couple minutes. Dont listen to this shit when you behind the wheel b. Fair warning.

20. California Dream - Guess you can wake back up now! This beat kinda fly rite here....I think I fucks wit....oh wait. Hold up a minute.....oh wait this nigga tellin you the whole damn story bout when another one a his kids was born b. Son. You been done this shit already. This shit wont ever be my favorite joint on the album. But I guess I fucks wit it.

21. Dr Dre Outro - This shit jus sounds stupid comin in at the end son. I feel like Im spose to be turnin the shit over to listen to the other side. Sounds like a damn intro....Anyways son basically took 2 minutes of Dre speakin on him n split it up into 4 tracks on his album. Cant respect that type of Stannin b.

Overall Imma give this shit 2.5 Zeus slaps outta 5. After he got off to a bullshit start I thought he was gettin on a roll there for a minute...but then he jus started drownin in a ocean of estrogen n teardrops. Its like the album had a change a heart son. I cant really fuck wit none a that shit par. Thats all I got for yall niggas.
Aight peace.

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