Ayo Tone sat down wit these soft niggas to discuss some shit...nahmean!

Ayo whattup yalls this Big Ghost aka the Wizard of Poetry nahmean. P-Tone is back in the buildin namsayin. Word is bond. Ayo recently Tone was given the opportunity to sit down wit a couple these soft niggas that been poppin lately n have a real real discussion wit em n shit namsayin. Ayo the god jus wanted to get into the minds of these soft niggas to see what they be thinkin n what go thru they heads n shit when they be doin all that wack shit nahmean. So we had a roundtable discussion wit these niggas n made that shit happen. Boom. So here yall niggas go. Enjoy that shit.
Aight peace.

Big Ghost: Whattup yalls...this Pretty Toney. We got a special treat for y'all niggas. Y'alls is about to witness history bein' made today. I ain't even wanna say no more though, so I'ma ga'head n let these wack niggas introduce theyselves, n we gon' get into it namsayin. Aight, ga'head nigga...

Big Sean: Sup cuzzo! Its ya boy Big Sean, boy! Sup boy!

Wiz Khalifa: Yeah...ha  haa  ha  haa  ha.....ha...this Wiz Khalifa. Taylor Gang, bitch...ha...haa..ha

Wale: What's up y'all, this Wale Rozay. You already know, fam. MAYBACH MUSIC MAFIA NIGGA!

Big Ghost: (breathes deeply) No offense yo....but I just wanna smack the shit outta y'all niggas right now.

Wiz Khalifa: Haaa...ha..

Big Ghost: Aight, and Wiz...who this nigga whose lap you sittin on?

Wiz Khalifa: Oh, this here's my other half, dude. C'mon man, you know who Amber Rose is, man. You're crazy, dude.

Big Ghost: Oh word? From this angle I aint recognize her n shit, son. My bad, yo. What's good, Amber?

Amber Rose: Ugh...I can't take this. Cameron, I want us to leave.

Wiz Khalifa: But sweetheart, we haven't even done the interview yet. Can we just...

Amber Rose: Now.

Wiz Khalifa: Aw sweet muffin, we need to do this. It's important to me...I mean us. Us. I meant us. Can we finish this pweeeeeaaase?

Amber Rose: Ugggh! Fine, but you better buy me those shoes I asked you for. I asked for them like HOURS ago.

Wiz Khalifa: Baby, anything you want, okaaaaay. Can I get a smile?

Amber Rose: (rolls eyes)

Wiz Khalifa: Just a widdle smile...

Big Ghost: Can y'all shut the fuck up now?

Amber Rose: I hate you so much.

Wiz Khalifa: She doesn't mean that. She just gets cranky if I don't...it's a long story...but, I was supposed to pick up her dry-cleaning and...

Big Ghost: Nigga, don't nobody wanna hear this shit.

Wiz Khalifa: Haaa....okay...

Big Ghost: Aight...hey nigga....hey...

Big Sean: (looks around) Me?

Big Ghost: Yeah, you. Son.

Big Sean: (smiling) Sup cuzzo?

Big Ghost: I gotta question for you, g.

Big Sean: Shoot!

Big Ghost: Don't interrupt me, nigga.

Big Sean: My bad.

Big Ghost: Your first mixtape dropped 4 years ago, namsayin'. I'm pretty sure you been promisin' ya fans a album for 'bout 3 years 'n shit....what's been the hold up?

Big Sean: Aw, you know, cuzzo. Label politics 'n shit, you naw what I'm sayin'? But also, I've been working extra extra hard to make sure this is something the fans will really enjoy, boy. Boy.

Big Ghost: Nah, that ain't really answer my question, though. I'm sayin', you been tellin niggas at the end of each one of ya mixtapes that ya shit is droppin'......'n ain't no album come out still.

Big Sean: Naw, it's about to come out next...

Big Ghost: What I tell you 'bout interruptin' me nigga?

Big Sean: Oops.

Big Ghost: You kinda on some bullshit, son. I ain't really tryin to believe you was perfectin' ya shit like that, b. I think niggas jus wasn't feelin like puttin' ya album out. You dropped a couple bullshit singles, though. Maybe niggas was thinkin you wasn't comin' wit no good shit, namsayin'. Like, maybe you ain't cut out for this or some shit, g. You kinda a average ass rapper, too, nahmean? Like I been tellin' niggas, you kinda like  Toyota. You ain't necessarily the worst car in the world, but you ain't no Lexus or nothin' either. You a Toyota, nigga.

Big Sean (bottom lip quivering) Aw....c'mon cuzzo....(nervous laugh) you know how it is. I had....well see, I had the little label situation...and then I had got on with G.O.O.D. Music....and....

Amber Rose: This nigga's about to cry.

Big Sean: AM NOT! (tears streaming down face) See, right now...I'm the number one priority at Def Jam...and...(clears throat) can I get some water?

Big Ghost: We'll come back to you, nigga. Wale, how come...

Wale: Rozay.

Big Ghost: Huh?

Wale: 'Wale Rozay', bro. Address me by my full name, please.

Big Ghost: Nigga, I'm 'bout to throw you through the window 'n then run downstairs n drop a fuckin' small car on you.

Wale: You don't actually really gotta say the "Rozay", just...

Big Ghost: I'm pretty sure niggas is wonderin' how you went from doin' that....."type" a rap you was doin' at the beginning to that straight soft nigga shit, to this...."type" a shit you on now.

Wale: I'm not sure I'm followin' what you mean, Tone.

Big Ghost: I'm sayin' you was on some corny shit at the beginnin'...

Wale: Mmhmm...

Big Ghost: ....but it wasn't actually wack...

Wale: Appreciate that.

Big Ghost: ...but then you went straight noxzema on niggas 'n got in touch wit ya inner bitch 'n shit.

Wale: Uhhh...

Big Ghost: Yo 'n THEN, you signed wit Maybach, 'n you got on some 600 Benz nigga type shit. You think you bein' authentic?

Wale: Well, yeah because...

Big Ghost: Nah, that ain't the right answer, nigga.

Wale: But you...

Big Ghost: Nah, fuck that. I'm sayin' why you frontin' g?

Wale: Uhh...

Big Ghost:  Wiz.

Wiz Khalifa: Yessir.

Big Ghost: How you feel bout goin' in the trash...

Wale: Gross.

Big Ghost: ...namsayin' like how you feel bout goin in the garbage 'n takin' like a half ate burger out that muthafucka 'n...

Wiz Khalifa: Is it still warm?

Big Ghost: Sure son.

Wiz Khalifa: Go on...

Big Ghost: How you feel bout pullin that half chewed up burger that some other nigga had on his plate 'n ain't really want no more 'n then eatin that son?

Wiz Khalifa: Welllllll......I mean, if it's still warm...

Amber Rose: Are you seriously answering this question, dumbass?

Wiz Khalifa: What? Oh...naaaah...um...haa ha...ha...

Amber Rose: Ain't gonna be no foot massage for you tonight, asshole.

Wiz Khalifa: Noooooo....c'mon baby...I've been lookin at how crammed your feet look in those...cause of the heel.... 

Amber Rose: Get off my lap, I want to leave.

Wiz Khalifa: (standing up) Honeyboo....yer kinda overreacting....let me rub yer back...

Big Ghost: Nigga, was you born wit no dignity?

Wiz Khalifa: Ummm...

Amber Rose: You're thinking about that? Get out of my way. (walks toward exit)

Wiz Khalifa: Amber! WAIT! (removes shirt)

Big Sean: (smiling) Mmm...

Wiz Khalifa: Aaaaamber! 

(Amber Rose leaves)

Wale: Just let her go, fam. Money over bitches, you know how it go.....Orrrrr...you could surprise her later with chocolates...but instead of it being all chocolates, have one of the little spots in the box be earrings! Ooooooh (clapping)

Big Sean: You been workin out, cuzzo?

Wiz Khalifa: Me? Uh, yeah well, I bought a Bowflex but...

Big Ghost: Fuck is wrong wit you niggas? 

Wiz Khalifa: Whuh I say? Haa ha ha

Big Ghost: Nigga, if you laugh like that one more time, you gon' be shittin' ya own teeth out later. I'ma smack that blonde patch off ya head, too.

Wale: Orrrrr... instead of earrings...(gasps)...give her an engagement ring 'n propose to her!

Big Ghost: Y'alls need to get the fuck out.

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